This volume describes the foundational and functional competencies underlying nullgeropsychology, null the area in professional psychology that focuses on the psychological and behavioral aspects of aging. Officially, CRSPPP had designated nullclinical geropsychologynull as a proficiency in professional psychology in 1998, rather than as a nullspecialty.null However, it may be considered a specialty within the next few years due to the increase in demand for competent psychological services likely to occur in the near future as a function of the aging of the population within the United States. Based in large part on the Pikes Peaks model for training in professional geropsychology, this book includes multiple chapter authors under the expert editorship of Victor Molinari. As described in chapter 1, nullthe ultimate goal of geropsychology is to apply scientific findings about psychological aging to improve the lives of older adultsnull. Psychologists interested in working with older adults will find this volume both educational and aspirational.<\/P>"